Hip Hop Opportunities For Students, Plus...
As always, links to inspiring, insightful Hip Hop fueled stories and events.
(Every bit helps me do what I do: visit www.patreon.com/mannyfaces to help support this work.)
📺 The History of Hip Hop Fashion [CBS SUNDAY MORNING]
🎼 The Enduring Romance of Mixtapes [THE ATLANTIC]
👟 Kool Moe Dee and British Knights: How a diss song became marketing music for a sneaker brand [ANDSCAPE]
📸 At Fotografiska, a New Hip-Hop Exhibition Sees That Women Aren’t Left Behind [VOGUE]
🥁 How This Drum Beat Changed Hip Hop Forever [PBS/YOUTUBE]
💣 An Interview With The Bomb Squad’s Hank Shocklee [PASSIONWEISS]
Hey everybody. I’ve been feeling a little funky since my trip to New York (allergies hit diiiiifferent down here in Georgia) but I wanted to share some cool stuff with you between sneezes.
First, special thanks to Georgia State University for inviting me to present at the Beyond The Culture II: Black Popular Culture and Social Justice conference. Met a bunch of great Hip Hop scholars and advocates, and got to kick it with Killer Mike for a bit!
(Now, I’m not gonna say you should expect he might be on a future episode of Hip-Hop Can Save America! but he just might be on a future episode of Hip-Hop Can Save America!)
Speaking of the world’s most important Hip Hop podcast, a new episode just dropped featuring Rona Siddiqui, the composer and lyricist, and Brittany Nicole Williams, the lead actor in “Hip Hop Cinderella,” happening for a few more days at NYC’s New Victory Theater!
Check it out! Listen as a podcast or watch on YouTube!
Lastly, I’m booking speaking engagement dates all through 2023, giving lectures and presentations about how Hip Hop music and culture can help uplift humanity. Interested? Reply here or visit my site for more information!
Later in this newsletter: Special Hip Hop opportunities for students.
🏛️ [ATL] Close to the Edge: The Birth of Hip-Hop Architecture exhibition - Through May 15, 2023 - ALSO: Discussion with curator Sekou Cooke, Feb. 23
🧥 [NYC] EXHIBITION: Fresh, Fly, Fabulous: Fifty Years of Hip Hop Style - Exhibition at The Museum at FIT Feb. 8 through April 23 - ALSO: Symposium, Feb. 24
🔴 [ATL] Black Music and Entertainment Walk of Fame - Feb. 28
📸 [NYC] Hip-Hop: Conscious, Unconscious photo exhibition - Through May 21
🤴 [NYC] Hip Hop Cinderella, New Victory Theater - Feb. 18 through Feb 26
🏫 [NC] Aspire2Higher Hip Hop IS Higher Ed Symposium - March 30 & 31
🗣️ [REMOTE] Dr. Joycelyn Wilson on Preserving Atlanta's Early Hip-Hop History - March 2
📨 SEND NEWS ITEMS AND EVENT INFO TO manny@mannyfaces.com

HHYRA (Hip Hop Youth Research and Activism) Conference
The annual HHYRA Conference will take place from 9am-2pm on Friday May 19th, 2023 at Rutgers University and will feature workshops and presentations around the ideas of youth identities, popular culture, and social justice led by high school and college students whose proposals are accepted by the HHYRA Youth Leadership Council.
The theme of this year’s conference is, “Reconnections: Finding our purpose and each other through art, culture, and community." We seek youth workshops, presentations, performances, and artwork that explore healthy, culturally sustaining ways to reconnect to ourselves and to others.
Submit your art or workshop proposal using the form below by 11:59pm on Wednesday, March 1st.
Calling all Middle and Highschool Students: Amplify your voice to share what your community needs to know about finance and inspire others with your songs & stories. Win over $5,000 in prizes!
Finances have an impact on your lives and communities. We've put together a team of the best Hip Hop and finance educators from around the country to share tips, tricks, and the real f'real about income, wealth, and the path to both.
Submit Your Song to Win by February 28th💰

www.rootspicnic.com | www.pendulumink.com
www.bit.ly/UofTWIHH | www.ameinstitute.org/pop-upoakland
(aka the place where I will recommend a book)
The keynote presenters at the Beyond The Culture II conference were Andrea L. Dennis and Erik Nielson, co-authors of Rap on Trial: Race, Lyrics and Guilt in America. The book discusses the criminalization of rap music — specifically the use of rap lyrics as evidence in trials. The phenomenon has come to the surface in recent years with high profile cases such as Young Thug in Atlanta, but the problem is way more prevalent — and insidious.
You might see the issue being highlighted in the new HULU special, Rap Trap: Hip Hop on Trial. This book is the basis for that documentary, and goes into greater detail about what the problem is, where it came from, and where it might be going.
As always, we recommend using Bookshop to buy your books, to help support independent booksellers. Here’s the link to Rap on Trial.
Listen to Hip-Hop Can Save America! as a podcast or watch it on YouTube!